Rules of engagement between God and Satan!

Question: Why do people believe the mark of the beast will come at the point prophesized?  Is the Devil not extremely wise and unlike to follow the book of Revelation script and instead try to trick people looking for signs?



Satan is not wise; if he was, he would not have got himself into the mess he is in!

And no, he will not be able to deviate from the prophecies in the Bible; as part of his Challenge of Almighty God, is that there are immovable rules in their Battle of “free-will”; which both Parties are bound by, as was witnessed by Moses prior to his battle with Pharaoh in Egypt; see Link!

Moses had failed to ensure his sons were Circumcised, a major failure in the Jewish “Rites”, and if omitted deliberately; was tantamount to rebellion against God!  In Moses case; it was a sin of “omission”; and therefore correctable, especially in the light of Moses’s special Commission, about to be enacted; which he would not have been qualified to undertake without his sons being Circumcised!

See: Zipporah and the Circumcision of Gershom and Eliezer (Study)


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